25 April 2011

On The Phone with Tom Fletcher

Best week in my life! Seriously!
The concert was awesome! I’m gonna tell you about the concert later. There was another big thing! Really big!!! I TALKED ON THE PHONE TO TOM FLETCHER!!! DEMI APA?!?!?!
Well, when I was on the way home after the concert, I had a sudden willing to talk to the boys (at least Tom) on the phone. I was gutted to not getting the meet n greet prize. I texted Deva, my new friend, McFly’s LO in Indonesia, said whether I could call him and talk to the boys. I didn’t expect much cause I thought it was kinda impossible, but worth a try.
Not long later, Deva called me. He asked me where I was, and said McFly were already in the hotel. He thought they couldn’t talk to me at that time. He suggested me to call him again tomorrow morning, when McFly is on the way to the airport. He also said that he had McFly set list with their signatures on it, and wanted to give it to me. But then, he said “I think you can talk to them now. They’re here. Do you want to talk to them now?” and I said histerically: “OF COURSE!!!!” I heard Deva was talking to Tom, said: “This is my friend, Sheyla. She’s a fan of you. She wants to talk to you.” Tom said: “who?” Deva: “Sheyla.” Then he took the cell phone from Deva. At that time, I didn’t know that it was Tom.
T: “Hello?”
S: “Hello? Who’s this?”
T: “Hello? Hello?”
S: “Tom?!?! This is you? Seriously? This is Tom?” *over-excited*
T: “what?” (two possibilities. He couldn't hear me cause I was like screaming, and... He couldn't hear me cause I was like screaming -_-)
T: “yes, it’s really me!”
S: “OH MY GOD!!!” *shivering*
T: “Hello Sheyla! How are you?”
S: “I’m really great!! And happy! Thanks for the amazing show!”
T: “you too!”
S: “Tom, congrats on your engagement with Gi! I really love her!”
T: “hahaha thank you!”
S: “so, when the wedding will be held?”
T: “I’ll tell you later!”
S: “okay, I can’t wait! Anyway, I gave you something before the show. Have you received them?”
T: *said something, but I couldn’t clearly hear.*
S: “where are the other lads?”
T: “they’re here!”
S: “I wanna talk to them too!”
T: *calling Harry*
Harry was supposed to talk on the phone to me, but I think Dougie took the phone. Dougie made really weird and stupid sound on the phone!
D: “bfrahfgltjziafhyiuhwyfhsfmkjsdhxdhiftnhtj” *with tone*
S: “DOUGIE?! I know this is you!!!”
D: “wehydijsggggggthyergishwkruywtnmycgbwiejdtwoey”
S: “you’re crazzzzzyyyy, DOUGAY!!”
D: “skfdgnsifhtjvgawekshwdjipert”
S: “dougay dougay dougay dougay”
I could hear the other boys were laughing. I could clearly hear Harry’s laugh!!
Seriously, this is a miracle!! Thank you very much Deva! I owe you big!

McFly report

McFly arrived in Soekarno – Hatta International Airport on April 24th, 2011 at 4.05pm. Then they arrived at the Sultan Hotel at 6pm. Danny was the first member who entered the hotel, followed by Tom, then Harry, and the last was Dougie. The security-man was kinda annoying! -_-
At 7.30pm, McFly had an interview with a TV Channel, Global TV, at the hotel lobby. The interview was finished at about 8.30pm. After the interview, Danny and Harry went to the gym, while Tom was going back to his room and Dougie, I wasn’t sure, maybe he was looking for dinner.
The next morning, 22/4/2011, they appeared on Dahsyat show. Tom and Danny sang Shine a Light (acoustic). After the show, they went to Surabaya. Since I am not living in Surabaya and the town is so far, I don't know what they are doing there :(
Well, my greatest memory was with Dougie and Tom.
When I asked to take a picture with Dougie.
Me: “come on Dougay!”
D: “Dougie!”
Me: “no! Dougay!”
D: “Dougie!!!”
When I pointed the camera, he said once again “DOUGIE!!!!!” then I said “Dougaaaaaay” while clicking the camera. As the result, my face looked so weird in the photo -_-
The next perfect memory was with Tom. Tom defended me from the security! After interview, I came to him.
Me: “Tom, I haven’t got a photo with you”
Tom: “Really?”
The security pushed me away from Tom. Then Tom grabbed my shoulder with his right hand, and used his left hand to defend me from a security-man who tried to push me again. Tom was saying “no no!” to the security who tried to push me away!
The guys were so nice and friendly to the fans although they were very tired after 18 hours flight!
McFly is having two gigs in Indonesia.
1. McFly is the guest star on LAindiefest Festive Sound (Saturday, 23/4/2011) at Grand City, Surabaya at 9.30pm.
2. McFly Above the Noise tour (Sunday, 24/4/2011) at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta at 8pm.
They will be back to UK from Jakarta Monday (25/4/2011) at 6am.

Meeting McFly = Best Day In My Life!

Gue berangkat ke hotel tempat McFly nginep itu secara sangat mendadak! Tapi disini gue bukan mau nyeritain perjalanan gue ketemu McFly, tapi gimana kejadian waktu gue ketemu McFly. Dream came true!!
Sekitar jam 18.00, McFly sampe hotel. Sebelum McFly masuk ke hotel, security sempet bilang supaya kami jangan anarkis. Ga lama kemudian, keliatan McFly turun dari mobil. Gue terkesima dan dalam hati teriak “DEMI APA?!?!?!”. Danny masuk duluan ke hotel. Seketika dia langsung dikerubungin sama temen2 gue yang ikut ketemu mereka di hotel juga. Entah kenapa, gue ga ada keinginan utk ikut ngerubungin Danny. Gue diem nunggu Tom masuk. Akhirnya Tom masuk sambil bilang “hello!”. *entah kenapa juga pas dia masuk, muka dia kayak bercahaya2 gitu!*. gue langsung nyamperin Tom sambil bilang “Tom, can I hug you?” dan sambil senyum, dia ngejawab “of course!” dia ngulurin tangannya mau meluk gue. Akhirnya kami pelukan sekitar 30 detik. Melayang rasanya waktu gue taro kepala gue didada dia, dan denger detak jantung dia *brb pingsan*. Abis pelukan, gue bilang “thank you! Tell Giovanna that I love her!” ga sempet ngomong banyak, dia langsung dikerubungin sama temen2 yang lain. Bodohnya, gue belum ada foto2 karna gue sampe lupa kalo gue lagi megang kamera saking excitednya!!!
Ga lama kemudian, Harry masuk. Well, gue langsung nyamperin dia, tapi lagi2 ga ada kesempatan buat foto karna rame banget!!! Setelah agak lama, Dougie masuk. Jadi pintu hotel itu ada 2 lapis. Baru di pintu pertama, gue langsung nyamperin Dougie, dan lagi2 lupa minta foto! -_-
Gue baru inget surat yang mau gue kasih buat Tom masih ada di tas, dan tas gue tinggalin di tempat duduk lobby hotel! Gue langsung lari ambil surat itu, dan lari2 ke arah Tom utk ngasih surat itu *saat itu dia lagi digiring security*. Dengan gemeteran, gue bilang: “Tom, please read this!” Tom: “wow! This is for me?” gue: “sure!” Tom: “thank you!” lega banget! Gue mau nyamperin Danny, eh dia keburu ditarik security!
Ternyata sempat foto grup
 Akhirnya kami udah diem, tapi gue liat Harry lagi nunggu lift. Gue langsung lari nyamperin Harry. Gue: “Harry, I wanna take a photo with you please?” *disini gue agak takut, karna muka Harry keliatan cape banget. Tapi dia berusaha senyum sambil bilang “come on!”. Dengan pikiran yang ga bisa mikir dengan jernih, gue minta tolong security buat fotoin. Jelaslah security’nya ga mau! Harry *sambil megang kamera gue dikit*: “let me!” gue: “I can” pas ngarahin kamera, tangan gue gemeteran! Trus Harry mau ngambil kamera gue lagi, tapi ga jadi. Gue: “Gosh! I’m shaking!” Harry: “it’s okay!” *click*
Udahlah, McBoys akhirnya naik ke lift, dan beberapa dari kami pulang. 5 orang fans termasuk gue, masih setia nunggu di hotel karna berharap McFly bakal keluar lagi. Selama nunggu itu, kami nulis surat, dan suratnya kami titipin ke LO McFly selama di Indonesia, Deva.
Agak lama kami nunggu, Pudd (Dougie – Harry) turun lagi ke lobby hotel. Intan langsung ngejar mereka dan minta foto. Harry bilang “two minutes, yeah?” kayaknya sih mereka mau ngerokok diluar. Nah, selama nunggu Pudd masuk lagi, gue n Intan ngobrol sama Deva. Dan bodohnya, pas Pudd masuk lagi, gue n Intan langsung lari ke arah Pudd tanpa mutusin pembicaraan dengan Deva dulu! Hahaha
Oia, sebelum ngobrol sama Deva, Flones (Tom – Danny) keluar dari lift. Gue terpaku! Tom Cuma senyum *Tom pake topi yang dia pake di video That’s the Truth*, Danny bilang “hello!” sambil melambaikan tangan.
Waktu Pudd balik dan inget gue belum foto sama Dougie, gue akhirnya minta foto sama dia. Gue: “come on Dougay!” dia: “Dougie!” gue: “no, Dougay!” dia: “Dougie!!!” gw ngarahin kamera, dan dia ngomong lagi “DOUGIE!!!!” gue: “Dougaaaaaay” *click* dan hasil fotonya, muka gue sumpah aneh banget, kegirangan bisa becanda sama Dougie! -_- suara Dougie beneran kayak anak manjaaaa!!! Abis foto sama Dougie, gue ngeliatin Daniya yang lagi ‘gerayangin’ Harry. Pas Daniya mau foto, ternyata kameranya lowbat. Harry nunjuk ke kamera gue yg kebetulan saat itu lagi gue arahin ke mereka. *click* udah deh, mereka ke ruang interview.
Muke gue!
Gue tungguin mereka selesai interview. Pas mereka selesai, gue langsung samperin Tom karna gue emang belum dapet foto berdua sama dia. Untungnya gue doang yang nyamperin dia! Security’nya ga nyantai ih! Gue: “Tom, I haven’t got a photo with you” *Pasang muka melas* Tom: “really?” *gue ngangguk, security dorong2 gue*. Tom langsung ngerangkul pundak gue dengan tangan kanannya, dan tangan kirinya ngehalau security yang mau dorong ngusir gue lagi sambil bilang “no no!” akhirnya foto deh sama dia! Kayak mimpi rasanya! Abis foto, gue bilang ke dia: “you’re my most favorite member cause you’re the craziest and girliest!” *dia ketawa, gue juga ketawa* gue: “Disney prince!” dia: “hahahaha Disney prince!!” trus dia ditarik security ke lift. Dia: “byeeee”
Abis itu, gue liat Danny lagi ngomong sama resepsionis, gue tungguin dia selesai ngomong. Pas udah selesai ngomong dan muter badan ke arah gue, gue: “Danny, photo please?” dia: “okay!” *click*
Trus si Intan bilang “I’ve been waiting for seven years!” Danny: “Seven years? Holy shit!” kami semua ketawa! :’)
Pas siap2 mau pulang, ternyata Dougie yang tadi keluar dari hotel, masuk ke dalam hotel. Gue manggil sok akrab: “Dougie!” dia: “haaaaiiii” sambil lambai2 tangan.
Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk pulang. Untuk balik, kami harus ke bangunan hotel yang lama melalui koridor. Pas kami jalan, ternyata dibelakang kami ada Harry! Dia mau ke gym! Kami nyapa Harry. Harry ngulurin tangan mau toss. Dengan agresifnya, Intan langsung nyamber tangan Harry, dan digandeng sama dia sepanjang koridor! Harry yang tadinya biasa aja, mukanya langsung berubah, antara takut dan bingung. Kami ketawa2 aja, dan Harry juga ikut ketawa2. Harry harus turun tangga buat ke gym. Dia bilang “bye! See you at the concert!”
Aha! Itulah hari terbahagia gue! Akhirnya salah satu impian gue tercapai: “dipeluk Tom”

05 April 2011


masih belum percaya sama judul artikel ini! yes, McFLY is coming!!! ke 2 kota. di Surabaya tanggal 23 April 2011 dan di Jakarta tanggal 24 April 2011. gue langsung teriak2 dan nangis2 di dorm waktu liat twitter rame sama mcflyers yang heboh McFly mau dateng. ga percaya aja gitu, gue kira Westlife bakal datang duluan. eh ternyata McFly duluan! :D

setelah McFly resmi konfirmasi mau ke Indonesia lewat BBC Radio 1, besoknya gue langsung telpon promotor dua kali. sorenya gue ditelpon balik, dan diajak meeting ke kantor mereka.

datanglah gue ke kantor promotor itu setelah sendirian naik bus dan bajaj *akhirnya kesampean*. disana pertama kalinya juga gue ketemuan sama Daniya. kita deg2an banget pas mau masuk kantor itu! trus nggak lama, ada cowok dateng. akhirnya kita kenalan. namanya Deva. dia sering jadi LO kalo band luar mau konser di Indonesia! suer gue n Daniya iri banget sama dia!
trus kita diajak masuk ke ruang tamu, nunggu sebentar. diajak lagi pindah ke ruang meeting.
disini gue, Daniya, n Deva *yang tadinya di facebook gue kira cewe, ternyata cowo* ngobrolin ttg konser2 band. kita nungguin pak willy, bosnya Trilogy Live sekitar satu jam.
setelah pak willy dan yang 1 lagi dateng, kita ngomongin konser itu dengan santai. well, agak tegang dikit karna gw n Daniya nervous duluan. mereka nanya2 ttg market McFly, berapa harga tiket yg pantas, dsb.
pak Willy bilang, McFly bakal mempertimbangkan utk konser keliling Indonesia or Asia Tenggara kalo di konser pertama mereka nanti penontonnya banyak. nah, maka dari itu, semua admin mcflyindonesia lagi gencar2nya manggalang massa buat nonton konser mcfly! :)
gue n Daniya sangat iri sama Deva karna dia bakal jadi LO McFly nanti! haaaaaaa