29 November 2011

rencana 2012

sebentar lagi dunia menyambut tahun baru!! waktu ga bisa tidur tadi malem, gue kepikiran rencana gue tahun depan yang harus gue lakukan. they are listed below;

1. Donor Darah
cemen sih ya gue belum pernah donor darah sama sekali! haha sejak kelas 3 SMA, salah 1 keinginan terbesar gue adalah donor darah. tapi keberanian sama sekali belum terkumpul! tapi gue bertekad! di ultah tahun ke-20 Maret nanti, kalo keadaan gue memungkinkan, gue mau merayakan ulang tahun gue dengan donor darah untuk pertama kali!

2. Nonton konser lebih dari 4x
"dont buy things, buy experience". gue suka banget quote entah dari siapa itu. brilliant! gue emang ga suka shopping. sejak di bolehin nonton konser 2010 lalu, gw selalu ketagihan pengen nonton band yang gue suka yang konser di Jakarta. selama 2011, rekor nonton konser gue adalah 4 kali. McFly, David Archuleta, Good Charlotte, dan Westlife. masih dikit banget ya? itulah, tahun depan gue pengen melampaui rekor tahun ini!

3. GPA diatas 3.5
kenapa target gue cuma 3.5? karna gue mau berencana yang sesuai kemampuan gue. ga mau berencana tinggi dulu karna nantinya gue mikir itu ga mungkin, akhirnya gue jadi males berusaha mencapai tujuan itu.

4. nabung 200k/bulan
sebagai mahasiswa, gue belum bisa nabung banyak2. rencananya tabungan ini untuk mencapai cita2 gue pergi ke Inggris+Irlandia. tapi gue yakin tabungan dengan tujuan itu ga bakal awet karna seperti yang gue bilang diatas, gue selalu mau nonton band2 yang gue suka yang konser di Jakarta. Jadi tabungan ini bakal gue gunakan untuk nonton konser, dan kalo ada sisa, itulah yg buat nerusin nabung mencapai cita2! :p

5. program 1 buku/bulan
yang gue maksud disini bukanlah novel, tapi buku pelajaran. gue sangat mencintai novel, dan baca 1 hari 1 novel itu bagi gue sangat biasa. tapi yang ga biasa adalah baca buku pelajaran. abis bawaannya ngantuuuuk banget! inilah target gue! tahun 2012, gue harus sanggup menyelesaikan baca 1 buku pelajaran setiap bulan.

6. Speech didepan 100 orang lebih
setiap ngomong di depan banyak orang, gue langsung nervous berat! takut deh pokoknya! tangan gemeteran hebat, dan itu sangat jelas terlihat. nah, target 2012 gue, suatu hari gue harus berani ngomong didepan lebih dari 100 orang. meskipun rasanya bakal kayak bakal dihukum cambuk, tapi bakal gue coba!

7. makan Sushi
gue heran kenapa banyak banget orang yang mencintai sushi, sedangkan gue sangat jijik. "what so good about raw fish?" itulah pertanyaan yang sangat sering gue lemparkan kepada pecinta sushi. tapi di 2012 nanti, gue mau coba makan sushi. meskipun mungkin akhirnya gue bakal muntah, tapi gue jadiin ini tantangan!

well, rencana diatas emang sedikit terlalu muluk. tapi biarlah! gue bakal usaha mewujudkan semua itu tahun depan! wish me luck!

08 November 2011

letter to Marty

hello, mate! how are you there?
well, it feels awkward.
my heart was broken when I opened your page and saw people on your wall writing about you, about what happened. Tears just couldnt stop streaming down my face.
I dont really know what actually happened to you, because nobody told me. I dont wanna ask further because I know your family is not ready to tell everyone yet.
I miss you.
my heart was broken into pieces when I knew you were gone. you were my international BEST mate! I cant believe you were gone too soon.
well, we'd never got a chance to meet, but I feel like I was really close to you.
I still remember the things that we've been through. LOT.
us spying on Adam, us fighting over Westlife, and all the things.
we went through the pain and happiness together, we shared our stories.
I remember the first time I knew you, you were in Paris on a vacation. I added you, than you wrote on my wall said thanks for adding you. since then, we talked, became friends, and became best friends.
You planned to visit me in Indonesia this year, and I planned to visit you in the UK.
You planned to marry Pixie Lott, and I planned to marry Tom Fletcher.
WE planned to make a private concert when I become an ambassador and YOU become a prime minister.
we planned so many crazy things.
I taught you Indonesian, you taught me Greek.
you said you were my Marty-man, and I was your Indonesian beauty. weirdo! :p
Well, I cannot write all the moments we had cause it would take forever just to write those moments I dont wanna lose.
do you know?! I have met Westlife! I had always told you how bad I wanted to meet them. and you know what's the best thing? Pixie Lott and Westlife will be on the same stage! HAHA I know you'd hated this. If only...
It's kinda ironic that I dont have a chance to tell you.
People might think I'm stupid to be this sad. I mean, I never even met you in real life. I try to ignore them. I dont care.
remember our convo about being young forever? Well, it happens to you. you were gone in a very young age. It makes you forever young. Happy, huh?

Thanks for the laugh, for the memories, for your understanding, for everything!
I will not say goodbye to you, cause it's just not a proper word. There's no goodbyes.
Sleep tight, Marty-man! x

remember our song.
"stop there and let me correct it, I wanna live a life from a new perspective.
you come along because I love you face and I'll admire your expensive taste~"
Panic! at the Disco - New Perspective