31 December 2011

Welcome 2012!

2012 is coming!!! 2011 was the best year in my life so far. now it's time for me to write such.. well, people say it is caleidoscope *how to spell it, again?*
the amazing stories started from February.

February: it was the first time I was being catch by a police. well, it was because I didn't wear helmet while riding a motorcycle with my friend. his license card was taken by the police. it was a bad experience, yet memorable to me because it was the first time! HAHA

March: Happy 19th birthday, me! on my birthday, I had to present something with my group in front of the class about social justice. my friends congrats me because I got a presentation as a 'birthday present'. in the end of the presentation, my group mate, Zay, asked the audience to all stand up to sing a song. my class were used to sing a song composed by my lecturer, so I thought it was normal and we were gonna sing that song. so I asked the audience to stand up and started to sing. I was "geeet up you hi-" i stopped, realizing that people were singing different song. oh! they sang "happy birthday to youuuu" I stood there with a stupid face. surprised! :p
in the end of March, I felt like it was ti climax of my life. McFly announced that they would do a gig in Indonesia (Surabaya). I screamed out loud and just couldn't hold my tears. the happiest moment of my life! I planned everything! I planned to book a ticket to Surabaya. but then, it was announced that McFly would do 2 gigs in Indonesia. Jakarta and Surabaya.

April: on the beginning of April, I had a meeting with the promoter (@TrilogyLive). I sat in a meeting room with Pak Willy, Pak Dewan, Deva, and Daniya. full of excitement! we discussed about the upcoming gig. April 21st was the happiest moment! I met McFly for the first time (you can read my stories in this blog). April 22nd McFly appeared on an Indonesian tv show, DAHSYAT. April 23th, McFly's gig in Surabaya. and April 24th, McFly's gig in Jakarta. after the concert, I talked on the phone to Tom Fletcher, my favorite! :)

Mei: the first time I fell in love with Metro. they were McFly's opening act in Jakarta.

June: June 18th, I met Metro for the 2nd time (first time as a fan). you can also read my story in my previous blog posts. I came to their gig in Senayan. they were so nice! we are friends until now.

July: Indonesian Youth Conference at the same day as David Archuleta's. Monde, Echie and I left the conference earlier and headed to Lapangan D Senayan to watch the gig. it was the longest gig I've ever had! I was standing for 6 hours!! Archie was adorable! and sweet! Salim was supposed to come, but he cancelled for some reasons.
the next week, July 23th, the gig I'd been waiting for. Java Rockin' Land!!! Good Charlotte was my main reason. well, OUR reason. me and Bayu. we went there together, and the gig was fuuuun! oh! on the same day, I got my Westlife ticket!

August: it was the down side of the year. I received a news that my international best friend, Martyn James Grayson, passed away. I cried for 3 days. I couldn't listen to Panic at the Disco's New Perspective cause it brought me to tears. He gave me that song when I had a terrible day. It just broke my hard.

September: bad! I didn't take a nice chance! it was the day when Big Wave Festival was held. the line ups were Panic at the Disco, Yellow Card, and Bad Religion. I had a class until 6pm. when I left the class, I saw the announcement monitor in my campus that all President University students were invited to the Festival. we only had to mention a 'password' then we could enter the festival, FREE! and I was late! Monde and I were gutted :/

October: one of the happiest moment in my life!! What I had been dreaming!! I finally attend Westlife concert! I didn't meet them face to face, but I was very gracious!! My dream came true! I finally can see Westlife directly!

November: this month is sad. for all Westlifers. We received a news the Westlife will split up after the Greatest Hits tour in 2012. My world came tumbling down. Well, you could read my previous blogpost.

that was all my memorable experiences of 2011. hope that 2012 is better than 2011.

25 December 2011

bocah Cikarang ke Jakarta

hey! It's been a long time!! judulnya norak yah? tapi memang itulah kebenarannya.. :p
setelah seminggu stress ujian (well, 2 minggu termasuk minggu tenang yang sebenarnya ga tenang), gue dan umi akhirnya jalan2 ke Jakarta.

tempat pertama yang kami kunjungi adalah Blok M Square. Umi kebingungan cari buku2 yang berhubungan dengan Bulgaria, negara kesayangannya. sayangnya buku itu ga ada sama sekali di Blok M Square! yasudahlah, kita pindah tempat ke Grand Indonesia.
kejadian lucu di Blok M Square: lagi jalan, gue bilang "kok ga ada orang jual bendera ya? gue mau beli bendera Irlandia nih!" gue ga sadar kalo suara gue keras. eh ada abang2 random yang jawab: "cari bendera neng? jkgsfskdgfuwrtfds" gue ga meratiin lanjutannya dia ngomong apa, karna gue langsung pasang tampang aneh dan kabur.

di Gramedia Grand Indonesia, kita memperhatikan hampir semua rak buku, berharap ketemu buku tentang Bulgaria. beberapa pegawai Gramedia kita tanyain, tapi semua tak menemukan Bulgaria. kami hampir menyerah (dan kelaparan) akhirnya makan dulu. setelah makan, kita menuju Kinokuniya. disana juga susah cari buku Bulgaria! hingga suatu saat.... di rak buku paling bawah, gw tiba2 melihat cahaya yang memancar dari sebuah buku. *eaaaa begitu gue perhatikan, ternyata itu buku Lonely Planet Bulgaria. gw langsung bawa buku itu, histeris cari umi. pas ketemu, gue setengah teriak dan memerkan dengan norak. "umi! tadaaaaa~"
umi langsung setengah teriak juga ngambil buku itu. kita kembali ke rak tadi, dan cari buku lagi. ketemulah 1 buku Bulgaria lain. akhirnya umi membeli salah 1 dari mereka.
kejadia lucu di Grand Indonesia: gue lupa tempatnya dimana, tapi ada kaca yang gede banget. pas lagi jalan, gue tiba2 kaget, jantung gue berdebar karna gue liat orang yang mirip banget sama gue! persis! tapi gue liat orang disebelahnya, ternyata itu umi. gue baru sadar.... ternyata.... itu cermin. bodoh, bukan? :/

selanjutnya kita ke Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan, berharap menemukan kamus Bulgaria.
kita ga pernah ke Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan. setelah tanya satpam dan kata satpamnya Kinokuniya itu ada di Sogo, kelilinglah kita cari Sogo itu dimana *I know, kita norak*. akhirnya ketemu tempat yang bernama Sogo!!! masalah selanjutnya adalah kita bingung masuk ke Sogo itu dari pintu mana. ga mau keliatan norak, kita sok cool. trus liat ada orang masuk di salah 1 pintu. pas orang itu udah masuk, kita dengan santainya buka itu pintu juga, tapi ternyata pintu itu pintu menuju dapur sebuah restoran!! dengan kaget, kita tutup pintu dan langsung lari, berharap ga ada yang liat. ahahaha