28 December 2016

A Boy Who Loves a Girl

There is a boy who loves a girl.
A girl whom he never expected to come into his life. 
A girl whom he never expected to be head over heels for.
A girl who seems to make everything perfect.
A girl whose heart he can never own. Yet. At least that's what he assures himself.

"She's worth fighting for." Thinks the boy every second.
"You're stupid." They say.

It's been almost six years. People come and go, but the girl stays.
"It's another day of fighting." Thinks the boy every morning when he wakes up.
That girl. His very first thought in the morning. And his last at nightfall.

"Just forget her, it's been too long. Open your heart for another." People say.
He knows, it is not that easy to forget someone who changes him for the better.

"What if the worst case comes? What if she sets his heart for someone else? Have you made your plan B?" Says his friend one day.
He freezes, but he keeps standing strong. He knows, there is no plan B or plan-any-other-letters-in-the-alphabet.

"Take the risk. Tell her. You lose nothing. You can't lose something you never had." They say, again.
He knows, he will lose everything, because this girl is his everything.
He knows, loving her in silence is better than to lose this girl completely.

He blames himself often. For not being brave enough. For not taking the chance. For the moments he missed out. 
He blames himself, knowing what they say is probably true.
But he never blames himself for loving this girl, because why do you have to blame something so beautiful?

All he knows is that...

he loves her.


13 December 2016


We're about to move back to Makassar, dan sebelum kegilaan packing dimulai, marilah ngeblog sejenak.

Be ready for this. Once you find a sensitive word, you can close this page as soon as possible. If you're ready, yes, please keep reading ('Sup, shameless promo?!)

LGBTQIA? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual.
Topik yang masih sensitif bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang pengaruh keagamaannya masih sangat kuat. Pastinya selalu ada pro-kontra dalam hal ini. It's okay, as long as you have your rational reasons and you keep them to yourself. Gue juga nggak pengen bawa-bawa agama, karena itu urusan lo sama Tuhan. Gue nggak suka ngurus keyakinan dan kepercayaan orang. It's personal.

Waktu gue SMP sampai sekitar awal SMA, gue sangat menolak LGBT++. Gue nggak punya alasan sendiri. Gue cuma percaya saat society bilang itu hal buruk. Saat idola gue ngaku seorang gay, pikiran gue heboh untuk menolak.rece Pokoknya itu salah! Namun tumbuh rasa ingin belajar lebih jauh. Kenapa mereka bisa begitu. Apakah hal itu memang salah. Seiring dengan 'pelajaran' gue, gue semakin mengerti. No. It's not wrong. Ya memang, menurut society, lo harus jatuh cinta sama lawan jenis. Then get married. Have kids. Live happily ever after. Tapi saat gue mulai punya beberapa teman gay, gue nggak lihat ada yang salah dengan mereka. Love is truly a beautiful thing in any way. Dari yang awalnya sangat menolak, gue jadi sangat menerima.

Recently, one of my best friends came out as gay and it's one of the best things ever happened in our friendship. I'm very proud of him. Bukan karena dia gay. Bagi gue, siapapun yang lo cintai itu normal. Baik itu dengan lawan jenis maupun sesama jenis (I don't actually like these words, because 'jenis'? We're the same homo sapiens, duh!) Karena dia akhirnya berani menerima siapa dirinya. Coming out is always a life-changing moment for a person. And hell this is difficult! They can't expect anything. Jadi  ya gue menganggap itu sangat berani dan gue bangga akan hal itu. 

Btw, gue nggak percaya kalo LGBT++ itu pengaruh dari pergaulan. Atau trauma disakiti lawan jenis. No. Gue percaya, God created you that way. Banyak orang yang percaya itu bisa disembuhkan. Bagi gue, no. 
Ada seorang cowok, yang tau dirinya gay sejak dia mengerti seksualitas. Saat keluarganya tau, dia langsung dimasukin pesantren. Apa dia langsung "sembuh"? Nggak. Mentalnya malah terganggu. Dia depresi. Saat akhirnya dia menerima siapa dirinya, ternyata dia lebih bahagia.
Ada cowok yang lainnya lagi, dia menganggap dirinya udah "sembuh", akhirnya menikah  dengan cewek, punya anak, saat anaknya mulai remaja, dia gak bisa menolak bahwa dia tetap gay. Dia masih tertarik dengan sesama jenis.
Ada juga seorang cewek. Dia sakit hati selalu disakiti pria. Dia memutuskan untuk pacaran dengan sesama cewek. Apa itu menjadikan dia seorang lesbian? Nggak. Karena dia melakukan itu hanya karena pelarian atas dasar sakit hati. Meskipun berhubungan dengan sesama cewek, dia nggak bisa menolak kalo dia masih tertarik dengan cowok. In that way.
Ketiga contoh di atas adalah nyata, dari kehidupan orang di sekeliling gue. Jadi teori gue adalah, pergaulan nggak memengaruhi lo untuk jadi LGBT++. Yang biasanya terjadi adalah, di pergaulan yang lebih menerima hal itu, lo juga akan berani menerima diri lo yang seperti itu.

Balik lagi ke teman gue ini. Di antara lingkaran pertemanan kami, dia salah satu orang yang relijius. Makanya, saat dia come out, beberapa dari kami syok dan langsung mempertanyakan soal agama. Namun gue nggak mempertanyakan itu. Nggak bohong, gue juga syok. Tapi lebih kepada diri gue sendiri. I feel bad. Berani-beraninya gue nganggep dia sahabat gue, tapi hal kayak gini aja gue nggak sadar. Tega banget gue membiarkan sahabat gue sendirian, tanpa bisa bercerita dengan bebas untuk minimal meringankan beban hati. Yes, we laugh at our stupid jokes, but I didn't know he was lonely. Being lonely in a big crowd is one of the worst things and I can feel that. 

Setelah dia come out, apakah gue menganggap dia berbeda? Nggak. Dia tetap orang yang sama. Nggak pernah berubah. Gue nggak tau dari mana asalnya, tapi belakangan, muncul tren bahwa punya temen gay itu keren. Nyebut "He's my gay friend" aja berasa bangga banget. Banyak cewek yang mendadak pengen punya temen gay. That's a big no no. Yes my best friend is gay, but that doesn't make him 'the gay friend'. He's my friend. Tanpa label whatsoever. 

Dear you (and everybody else who has the same struggle), you're amazing. You're so brave. Keep being you, don't worry about what society expects you to do and to be. You are you. You're happy. That's what's important. I know it can be difficult at times, but keep going strong. I love you, jerk!