18 February 2013

How I Met Only Seven Left (pt. 1)

Hello kids! This is a very long story of how I met your father. *in Ted Mosby-girl-version’s voice. I don’t know why, I always have the temptation to write my blog in English, I wanted to write in my mother language cause it will be too damn embarassing if Bjorgen or any of Only Seven Left members find out about this post.... But it’s just weird of me writing in Indonesian. *My english sucks, though... But I will use Indonesian in some parts that I don’t want OSL boys to know.
Ps: The story will be so damn long. Brace yourselves!

I asked Muthia to accompany me for the interview, helping me taking pictures. We arrived at Erasmus Huis 1 hour before the interview. When we enter the library, there was a caucasian, and I whispered to Muthia, “ganteng woy!”, not knowing that he’s a member of the band. Jochem. Muthia and I sat at the lobby, waiting for them, when several white boys came out, and I didn’t know that it was them! I followed them and they were taking pictures in front of a massive poster of them, then I know it was them. *Okay, it’s starting to be boring. Gotta skip some parts.
They were having lunch, Muthia and I were waiting outside the restaurant. Then Bram came out. Muthia forced me to talk with Bram about the interview. I came to Bram, and talked to him. Damn! He’s so damn tall! (not his fault, YOU’re so damn short, Sheyla!). I felt like talking to his male-breasts -_- Then Jochem came, I introduced my self and he knew that I was from Creative Disc by seeing the emblem on my shirt. He then called the other members, introduced our selves each other. Bjorgen was the next to come, so I had a chance to talk to him personally. Just the two of us. Talking about him being an Indonesian, about me not getting Dutch gene.

Me and Bjorgen. Lagi pacaran. mwihihi :")
The interview went very fun! Hinne was sooo quiet! There are some memorable moments. Think I should make a list:
- When I asked them whether they’re single, they stared at each other and laughed. They’re all taken, but Jochem said that because they’re in Indonesia, just tell people that they’re single. I was like “NOOO! I won’t!” and he was like “yes! Just tell the girls!” haha -______-
*edited: Bjorgen said that I didn't have to worry cause Lucas, their additional guitarist is still single. Lagi diomongin gitu, tiba2 Lucas lewat, pemirsaaaah! The boys were shouting, calling him. Lucas stopped and waved at us. I whispered to Bjorgen "he's cute!" and Bjorgen said "he's cute, huh?! you like him? go for it!" me: "I WILL! TRUST ME, I WILL!" hahaha I love Bjorgen's laughter :')
- They asked us about our fav OSL song. I told Bjorgen that I liked ‘Is It Me’. Hinne didn’t hear me and asked me again, then he said “mine too” with a definitely cool style. Muthia started singing “around, around... turn your head around~” and the boys were watching her and gave her big hands. Robin even recorded her singing! HAHAHA
- I asked about their best pick up line. Bjorgen did it, like he was giving a pick up line to me. “hey does it hurt?” me inside: “BUUUUURN! MARRY ME! NOW!” and started another pick up line. “hello what’s your name?” me inside: “MY NAME IS ASHARI BUT IT’LL CHANGE TO MRS VAN ESSEN IF YOU WANT!”
- I told them that I was the one who had tweeted them, requesting to play Year 3000 by Busted. Bjorgen was like "wow! so that was you?! yeah, I think I'll play it"
- When I asked them whether they know some Indonesian musician, Bram and Bjorgen said that on the plane, there was a music video of an Indonesian band. Bjorgen showed me his phone, and it was Setia Band! Geez. I was "well... DO YOU LIKE IT?!" Bram was "why? you don't like them?" Bjorgen was "Well, their music is good and I like their voice" uhm... o-okay
- At the end of interview, I tried to speak Dutch like what my cousin had taught me. I tried hard. When I finished, their  faces were confused, so I showed them my notes, and they were “awwwwh” then Bram stroke my arm gently.
I taught Bjorgen to say “kami” and “cinta”. He understood those words! “cinta means love, right?” me inside: “yeah, and love is you” HAHAHA
- The whole interview. They also gave me a CD. :’)
Thanks for the CD! They shorten themselves! haha

C for Creative Disc

I also joined the press meeting, and luckily they still remembered me! I asked them to sign my CD. Jochem took my CD without me asking, the he signed it and gave it to Hinne. Got them all signed my CD! When they asked us to introduce our selves, I didn’t need to re-introduce myself cause Jochem said “I know you’re from Creative Disc, right?” awh! <3 nbsp="">

press meeting. masih sempet nampang!
At the end of the interview, Muthia gave a chocolate for Hinne via Gert-Jan. Dini told me that Hinne loved it! He ate it like it was the greatest chocolate in the whole universe. “Dini, do you want some chocolate? But it’s just one, it’s not enough, so you just have to watch me eat.” Hahaha! when Jochem asked him whether the chocolate is THAT great, Hinne said that the chocolate was even tastier cause it was a Valentine’s gift. Cieeee umiiii!
hey! it's me again! hahaha

Kids, that’s the story of how I met your father(S). The story continues....

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