9:57 AM

Kiss from Bjorgen van Essen

This is a very short post. For me, my blog is a tool as a reminder of various amazing things in my life. I think I've moved on from...
11:09 AM

Hilarious Fellow Admins

Nicky - Sheyla - Tania - Dicky Hi people! I'm sitting here at the office, tiba2 secara random inget moment di IndoBritAddict. I dec...
2:13 PM

How I Met Only Seven Left (pt. 1)

Hello kids! This is a very long story of how I met your father. *in Ted Mosby-girl-version’s voice. I don’t know why, I always have the te...
2:54 PM


Hi beautiful people! yep, that's my office now. No, not Gedung Pancasila, but the building next to it. hehe I'm currently being ...
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