Simple Plan in Jakarta
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(Cr: Bambang E. Ros) |
as usual, I was counting the days til D-Day. Simple Plan was my first gig in 2012.
I skipped a class *naughty!* and went to the venue by myself.
January 17th, 2012. Istora Senayan, Jakarta.
When I arrived, people were standing in line and screaming. I was confused. I thought they were welcoming me! *hehe
so a committee would choose one person to have a M&G with Simple Plan. a girl was chosen! lucky girl! I stood there alone, waiting for my friend, Yoga.
when the 1st gate was opened, I ran as fast as I could to get the front row. I was bored. I was excited. I was happy. I didn't know what to do. Finally Yoga came after an hour. AN HOUR LATE! *bless you, kid!
I stood in the line with Yoga awkwardly, because we were bored. Then I had an idea to meet new friends. so I tweeted @SimplePlanID to meet them as fellow admins of our fanbases. Then I met them, had a little chit-chat, congrats them for having their idols playing in Indonesia. They were nice! :)
The 2nd gate was opened. I sat in the line with Yoga, then I left him for a while to take a look at the Simple Plan official merchandises. when I came back, everybody was ready to enter the next gate. crowded! lucky to have Yoga protecting me.
The final gate was opened. Yoga and I ran as fast as we could to get the best row. we got *maybe* the 7th row. When the show was about to start, I lost Yoga. We were parted. So literally, I watched the show alone!
The show was opened by Kotak Band. It was the 2nd time I saw them. They were cool. They were attractive. They were fun! They kept asking us whether we were ready to see Simple Plan. HELL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! \m/
Kotak left the stage, and Simple Plan appeared!! I screamed out loud. Well, we all screamed OUT LOUD! LOUD!!! *anyway, Pierre looks like Danny Jones!
Simple Plan was fun! I knew about 70% of their songs. I danced, I screamed, I sang, I jumped, I enjoyed the show, I enjoyed myself.
When I'm Gone and Can't Keep My Hands Off You were the songs I was waiting to be played. I love them! At the beginning of When I'm Gone, Pierre said they brought a DJ from Canada. and it was Chuck! *the drummer pretending to be a DJ. LOL
Ooh! Simple Plan did a duet with Tantri Kotak singing Jet Lag. They were cool! Tantri did us proud. The Girls were jealous when Tantri hugged Pierre, Dave and Seb :p
Simple Plan's medley of Dynamite and Raise Your Glass was intense! I could feel the heat! We danced to the songs. Everyone was enjoying themselves.
Pierre, those naughty moves! reminded me of Danny. My Danny Jones.
Dave, a rebel cool kid.
Seb, a charming man.
Jeff, err.. would you like to be my brother?
and Chuck. He didn't speak a lot. He focused on his drums. but those beats... EARGASM!
definitely one of the best shows I attended. Next time the play in Indonesia, I definitely will come, AGAIN!
It don't matter what I do.. Ooh.. I can't keep my hands off you!
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