Kyle Patrick in Jakarta

11:25 PM

I wasn't a massive fan of Kyle Patrick. Well, I know him as the front man of The Click Five, I loved their songs, my cousin is his fan. When I got the job to interview him, I was like "okay, I'm gonna meet this cute guy!"
The place was at the pool side of The Sultan Hotel in Jakarta, the same hotel as McFly a year ago, when I met them. Entering the hotel, I couldn't stop memorizing my memories with McFly. Galau attacked me! :p
I was waiting with Rahmi, the owner of @tc5indonesia for half an hour. When Kyle came, Rahmi was "THAT'S KYLE! OMG!" and I was like "this is it! the time is now!" It was a round table interview. We were divided into groups, 5 medias per group, and I was at the first group. Kyle came with his manager, Wendy.
When I told Kyle that I was from Creative Disc, Kyle was happy! Creative Disc and Kyle-Wendy had been contacting each other, so they pretty knew each other. Kyle was asking my name and thank'd us (CD) for supporting him, tweeting about him, and everything. Kyle was about to hug me, but I was sitting there, silently, didn't know what to do! So the hug was cancelled! hahaha! The interview went well. Kyle gives great interviews! There was a funny moment during the interview. When Kyle was talking about Pledge Music, I turned to Rahmi, and Kyle noticed it. Kyle was happy when Rahmi told him she pledged. Kyle thanked her and talked to her, and she was shivering.... so hard! She gave me her camera (she was recording the video of the interview) cause she couldn't resist! hahaha
After the interview, Kyle shook our hands and I told him that Rahmi is the owner of his fanbase. He was surprised and gave Rahmi a sweet hug! Kyle gave me a copy of CD, then signed it after the interview was done.
My friend, Ivy, came and brought Kyle 2 bottles of Bir Bintang cause she knew Kyle loved that beer! Kyle was "No! you didn't!!!" cause he was too happy to have the beers! :p
We finally did group photos, personal photos, and I could see that Kyle and Wendy loved Creative Disc! They were so nice to me! I had a little chat with Wendy. Wendy said Kyle would love to visit Surabaya and Bali, but they have to get Go For Gold as number 1. Wendy also thanked Creative Disc for being so supportive on Kyle's solo project, and would love to meet Welly one day.

Day 2, After The Wanted gig
at the gig, Dicky and I screamed out loud when Kyle performed, til we lost our voices! We only knew 3 songs, but it didn't matter! Screaming was all that we can do! We were like "njfdsnfnsdvn GOOOOOO FOR GOOOOOLD!!!" At the end of his performance, Kyle waved to us! :')
After the gig, Me, Rendy and Ian met Kyle again. When the fans were waiting for their turn to speak to Kyle, I could feel their feelings! Don't forget, I'm a fangirl! :p
Wendy called Kyle, introduced Rendy and Ian to him. Kyle stood up, shook our hands. When it was my turn, Kyle shook my hand, I said "Hi Kyle! We meet again!" Kyle: "hey! I remember you!" then he hugged me! *the hug finally happened! haha* We couldn't take much of his time cause about 300 fans were still waiting!
Ian recorded Kyle, but Kyle thought Ian was taking a picture, so he pose a style. "Kyle, that's a video!" I said. "Oh! that's a video!" he then thanked Creative Disc and his fans on the video, continued by his fans shouting "Go For Gold Indonesia!!" amazing moment!
I had to go home earlier cause my parents were picking me up.

I think I am now a fan of Kyle Patrick!
Kyle, thank you for being so nice and humble. Thanks for the amazing memories. Hope to meet you again very soon!

Thanks for the CD, Kyle!

with Wendy Strauss, Kyle's manager after the show

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