Demi Lovato, my long lost sister?

When the promoter announced that Demi will play a show in Indonesia, I wasn't that excited, cause I knew I would not go to see her. money problem. However, a day before the show, gege Welly phoned me to ask whether I wanted to see Demi Lovato. Sure I did!!
The concert was held on the afternoon. My parents don't know that I went to see her! hehe
I enjoyed the show since Demi first came on stage. She was definitely awesome! I didn't know the lyrics to her songs, but I enjoyed them. Demi was a real rock star!!
It got me shivering when Demi sang Skyscraper with her piano, and her fans raised thousands of papers saying "YOU SAVED ME" and Demi cried a little.
One thing that I noticed, Demi DID look like my mum! really!
Everytime I watched US XFactor with my mum, I kept saying "mum! she looks like you!" and my mum kept asking "does she?"
I'm now sure that Demi Lovato is my long lost sister. she looks like my mum, and she sounds just like me! hahaha
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