9:15 PM

Suka Duka Jadi Penumpang KRL

Ahoy, Beautiful People! Saat berdesakan di KRL, tiba-tiba gue kepikiran untuk berbagi suka-duka jadi penumpang kereta. Yes, memang naik...
4:37 PM

5 Stages of Fangirl: Troye Sivan

Hi beautiful people! Lilly Singh's new video inspires me to write this article because she (and Grace) describe  my life perfectly!! ...
10:39 PM

Things Fangirls Shouldn't Do

Nggak nemu foto yang cocok. Jadi ini aja. Ultimate faces of fangirls. Fangirl itu ada bermacam jenisnya. Ada yang kalem, ada yang ber...
10:04 AM

Getting High on Pentatonix

Hi Beautiful people!! I had a really magical week with Pentatonix! Will write about the shows later. Jadi ceritanya waktu Pentatonix di...
9:16 PM

New Obsession: Set It Off

Hello beautiful people! Been wanting to tell you about my new favorite band for a few months, but I kept procrastinating. Sorry, I'm su...
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